Congress report adopted

Economy The LO Congress has endorsed the Congress Report “Vägen till full sysselsättning och rättvisare loner” (The path to full employment and fairer wages).

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- Now active work remains to achieve a new focus for economic policy. “Sweden needs a new economic policy,” says Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, LO President.

The report - The path to full employment and fairer wages- deals with some of the major issues of our time - employment and growing inequality. How can jobs increase? How do we put more people to work? How can income inequalities decrease?

In the report LO shows that economic policy and wage formation can contribute to full employment. This is a path that rests on optimism for the future. Together we can find a path to full employment and decreasing inequalities. But this requires investments; in people as well as in infrastructure, education, housing and welfare.

Jonas Wall
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